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Some Awesome Posts

Have you ever wanted to find a list of real and authentic posts?  Well, if you have then this is just the place.

About the Author Of Realms Of Forgotten Worlds

This Post Is Private. (Do Not Read)

You Really Shoudn’t Be Reading This..

A Book In Unity 3D

No joke.  Someone has killed a fly with a bazooka.

Full Time Or Part Time Writer

May seem like a simple topic, but it definitely isn’t.

GameBook..  What Is That?

A Book can be a Game?  It sure looks that way.

GameBook VS Normal Book

Traditional reading is getting eaten by zombies.  And Gamers want to shoot’em.

How To Start Writing Sci-Fi

You may already know the answer, but you might be surprised by the new insight.

Independent Writers

Getting stepped on is not cool.  No..  It really isn’t.

Quora – It’s Really Cool

Believe it or not there is no sarcasm here..  🙂    Quora rocks.

If there are any more ideas to create some better blogs, please let me know.  I’m always eager to hear what people have to say.

Discord is an awesome site, and once I really get the hang of it, I’ll make a post about it.  In the meantime it’s a really good way of getting in contact with me.  Just click on the button.